Allow aid! – Peace on May 3, 2024

Hello peace loving people,   (note: bonus message today… to President Biden. Scroll down, down…)

I wonder, do any of us in this circle of Peace Bit recipients live in Turkey? I don’t know everyone’s national affiliation; I would love to hear from someone in Turkey. How do you regard Turkey’s recent decision, because the Israeli/US military is starving the people of Gaza, to cut off all trade with the state of Israel? This seems like a really big deal.

Today, let’s call or otherwise contact our legislators to harmonize with the demands of Turkey, shall we? Suggested wording is below. Given that the offices of our legislators are open today (in most areas), make friendly, kind person-to-person contacts, if possible. Find the contact info on your legislators’ websites. Email is great too, though!


As the entire world knows, the children and families of Gaza are being starved by the Israeli/US military. Starved!

While being shot!

Food and other necessities MUST be allowed in.

What can you do TODAY to support the demands of the government of Turkey, college students everywhere, children of Gaza, and all the world’s ordinary people, ALL of whom are demanding that aid be allowed directly into Gaza?

What can you do TODAY to get weapons out of the hands of the Israeli/US military?? 


Okay, and here’s today’s bonus message (

To President Biden,

Your Secretary of State says you’re working tirelessly to get more aid to people in Gaza and to secure an immediate ceasefire and release of hostages?

That seems false to me, given that your diabolical weapons are still in the hands of the Israeli/US military AND ARE STILL BEING FIRED. 

Get that weaponry out of there.


❤️  – Kathleen

When you are with college students and others this weekend, will you please pass this invitation around? Via its QR code, people can easily sign up to receive Peace Bit prompts. Many people want to contact their legislators but run out of ideas for what to say. I create a new peace appeal every single day. thanks!


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About Me

I am a peace advocate based in Rockingham County, Virginia in the United States. I “lobby” my US legislators in the cause of peace on a daily basis. I consider this advocacy to be a variation on lobbying because I am going head to head against the war lobbyists of this world. I detest war and all of its various so-called justifications. Writing a daily “Peace Bit” prompt to convey my appeals, I use my Peace Bit when I call or email or visit my own elected officials. I then share it with others who also want to appeal to their legislators in the cause of peace.

To appeal to your own legislators, just search the web for all of the contact info you will need. When calling or visiting your legislators’ offices, LAVISH the staff persons with courtesy. Their jobs are not easy! In many cases, staffers are our allies and they can have tremendous influence on their bosses!

If you subscribe to my blog you will always have new Peace Bits on hand; they are different every day. You can use them for personal reflection, for appealing to your own legislators anywhere in the world, or for planning your next Letter to the Editor. I’d love to hear how your peace advocacy goes! I invite your suggestions as well.

Please invite others to sign up for Peace Bits, will you? Our international circle of Peace Bits users grows mainly by word of mouth.

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